9 Maranoa St, Kaleen ACT 2617, Australia
Ahsan has over 8 years of experience in the Accounting and Finance fields, specialising in payroll, taxation and fixed assets management. He is particularly skilled at finding innovative problem-solving solutions and enjoys providing consultation services to clients on their business strategy including tax planning, individual and business taxation, financial reporting and accounting, self-managed superannuation funds, business advisory, Capital Gain tax, Goods and service tax, accounting and bookkeeping and asset management. He advises clients of all sizes from sole traders, family businesses to high net worth individuals and from a range of industry sectors including manufacturing and retail, property and construction, technology and telecommunications, transport and hospitality.
Ahsan has built a local team that share his values in business and together they have a commitment to being connected advisors that support their clients, tailoring solutions to their financial needs. Ahsan has a passion to seeing his clients grow their businesses and supporting them to run sustainable and successful businesses.
Ahsan holds professional qualifications including Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Business Administration and is a Certified Practising Accountant of Australia.
Outside of the office he enjoys spending time with friends and family and playing cricket. Contact Ahsan via e-mail at canberra@taxstore.com.au.