Educational Qualifications :
- (i) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) - 1972, First Class with Honours Madurai University, India, - Gold Medal Winner for First Rank in University
- (ii) Graduate. Diploma in Applied Science -Refrigeration, Heating & Processes - 1976, Swinburne University - Energy & Process Systems
- (iii) Master of Engineering Science, (Chemical Engineering) -1980, Monash University - Minor thesis Microprocessor controls for Pilot Plant
- (iv) Master of Business Administration - 1990, Monash University, Services Marketing
- (v) Graduate. Diploma in Industrial Microbiology - 1993, Swinburne University, - Lagoon based Environmental & Energy Recovery systems
- (vi) Certificate IV - Workplace Training & Assessment, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
- (vii) PDH - Knowledge Management at Curtin University
Simulator-based Training & Rapid Deployment of Innovations, e-Commerce, Supply Chain, Logistics & Financial Fulfillment Technologies integrated with Business Development for Strategy planning, Financial Packaging, Sales Growth, Market Entry & Exports
Summary of Qualifications, Experience and Skills:
Over 33 years hands-on professional experience delivering technical, commercial, business development, training, financial packaging & project management services for light Engineering + Energy + Environmental projects : LP & Natural Gas, solar energy, co-generation for power, mechanical services engineering, refrigeration & cryogenics, energy auditing, waste gas utilization, water supply & waste water treatment (macro-size lagoons), pollution control, resource recovery with bio-gas and water & sludge reuse, composting, and treatment for liquid industrial wastes - for private sector (with BOOT & "Turn-key" projects), for in-house clients, & for both local and overseas customers and government departments.
Directly involved in developing & delivering innovative research planning, technical, business development & project management services - from concept stage to business planning, market entry, business & marketing plans production, industry and competitor analysis, strategy development, proposals development, tender documentation, inputs for prospectus development, government liaison, funds procurement, experimental and pilot program testing, R&D incentives, and contracts negotiation. Extensive experience with the formation of business networks, supply chains, twinning, conducting investment studies & preparatory work for multi-million $ projects.
Currently over 200 businesses have been trained to integrate the above with hands-on knowledge transfer for SME businesses to utilize the Software Applications programs & Internet I WWW for sales +export business networking +e-business planning + logistics & transport Management Information Systems + project management + market entry + back-office integration + web linked Databases + VPN + secure transactions + Financial Supply Chain + Electronic Commerce + web upgrading + Supply Chain Management + Competitor Monitoring + Export & Trade Finance.
Mr Pereira 's employment experience covers 6 years- private Consulting Engineer (Bates Smart & McCutcheon - Architects & Consulting Engineers); 9 years- Gas & Fuel Corporation an charge of Design & Installation of Natural Gas Energy systems +Solar Energy + Oil-to-Gas Conversions + LPG Reticulation); 7 years - Melbourne Water (International Marketing of Technologies & Services + Project & Technology Development); 11 years - Director of EPA International delivering Business Improvement & Export Development programs + University Tutoring (Monash University) + Industry Training + Ausindustry Business Network Broker. Also possess direct experience & knowledge of World Bank, ADB, International Finance Corporation, GEF, Austrade, & AusIndustry programs to assist Australian SMEs match competitors & achieve world best practice standards.