Financing motor vehicles
A common question facing businesses is how to finance and account for the acquisition of a motor vehicle. There are numerous ways that can be used, with each having unique taxation treatment.
Ridesharing: The Driver
Uber and other ride-sourcing facilitators have become increasingly popular over recent years. From a
driver’s standpoint, there are a number of tax issues potentially in play. See overleaf for the tax implications from a rider’s perspective.
ATO’s new crackdown on Discretionary Trusts
The ATO has just updated its guidance around trust distributions made to adult children,
corporate beneficiaries and entities that are carrying losses. Depending on the structure of these
arrangements, there is a potential that the ATO may take an unfavourable view on what were previously
understood to be legitimate arrangements.
FBT year-end checklist
March 31 marks the end of the
Cashflow forecasts
Now more than ever businesses should consider preparing cashflow
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